Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Less than One Week until my half marathon plan

Team News:

Mr. O'Brien recorded the team's 2nd fastest 5k this year, behind resident albino Kenyan Pat Henderson. Congrats KOB.

Jess is now officially in on the 2010 Half Marathon Showdown.

I. Mr. Knapp
II. Confessional
III. Providence Profile

Uphill climbs: Every time I approach a hill, I think to myself, what did Knapp and Sri do to hills? Demolish them. I may have mentioned this before but I will admit I channel you guys for going uphill.

Knapp: Once A Runner, I'll have to pick that up to get me amped for the half.
I remember you saying your sister and mom were going to start running, how is that coming along? We could always take on two more runners on the team. Also, the hour time limit on the treadmill angers me too. We are already running on the treadmill, I think we know if we can handle more than an hour. I wonder what the treadmill manufacturers were thinking.

Odd confession: I'm sure I am the only one who would even think about filling out surveys honestly but in the past I felt guilty when they had those questions about exercise. It was as if the survey knew I didn't exercise and was looking down on me. Now, I can fill in the surveys honestly that I do work out/ run some times instead of only on January 1st.

also: Whatever the running equivalent of facebook stalking is, I did it. I got an e-mail from Capstone Photography telling me they were going to delete my (horrendous) race pics from the Cox 5k. I went to the site and saw that the Blessing of the Fleet pictures were up.

Couple observations:

1. Everyone has their game face on but one person in particular was ... :gasp: ... smiling in EVERY picture. I'll let you guess who it was.

2. Dr. Estus sports the water bottle with a strap. Good pick-up? I need to start taking water bottles on my long runs and wondered if it fared better than a plastic bottle.

The Runner's World magazine profiles a city to run in each month. This would be my spot for Providence.

-run with as many runners at all the usual spots: at Black Stone, THE Angell Street hill, Knapp's mini hill/Brian's parkour locale where we almost got squashed by a bus, the India Point Park side-to-side sidewalk. Since you guys have already tackled 10 miles, I'd take you guys further east to all the nice houses I've passed by. Of course, stop by Rhode Runner for a couple gulps of water and ogling at new running gear while getting sweat on them.

-enjoy the black bean and eggs dish with illy coffee [best I've had] at Nick's on Broadway, catch a Providence Kickball League game, then eat at Ama's (where else would I get watercress pesto and tofu shaped like pillows?) followed by on tap Young's Double Chocolate Stout at The Avery then walk to Westminster St. to catch a movie on that huge white screen.

If you can't tell, I really enjoyed my time in the city. Providence was my backyard for a whole year (with Virginia Beach sprinkled in). If it wasn't for family/friends in Texas/ job opportunities, I would've stayed at least another year.

1 comment:

  1. I just checked out the Blessing of the Fleet Capstone pics. Amazing. Haha. I LOVE Smiley's pictures! Thumbs up in almost all of them, lol. Hilarious! :-)

    I love everyone elses game face. But mine on the other hand... absolutely horrible. I look like I'm in pain! But I had a great time and was not in any pain at all! I think a lot of them where my eyes were closed was because of the rain in my eyes.

    Definitely helps to look at game-time pictures. I'm working on straightening out my form, my arms in particular. My next goal: SMILE MORE! :-)
