Friday, August 6, 2010

Injury Bug Strikes Again

I. New Poll: RI versus TX
II. Lunar Glide Review: Third Impression

There's a poll up on that idea that sprang to my mind (not sure if you can read the choices; highlight them to show it)

Team Rhode Island vs. Team Texas.


Add up everyone's times (or average or top 3, etc.) and whoever is fastest gets a small prize from the other team's region, kind of like the Super Bowl teams' mayors betting their region's stereotypical item against each other. You've got until the end of the month to voice your opinion. Heck, it's a blog, you can type your opinion.

7 AM
Tangs (Nike Lunar Glide+ X 2, Women's NB 904)

Lunar Glides = clouds/ pillows/ light.

Knowing the next 5k we will be doing is November 27th (3 weeks after the half), I think some PRs will be smashed. Unfortunately, Dad has been struck with Achilles tendonitis. (No fluoroquinolones, don't worry) But in all seriousness, this will hopefully subside with less heel striking, more forefoot usage, and smaller strides. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tonight at 7pm, it's BOLT v. GAY, Solinsky in the 5k, and Oregon alum Andrew Wheating on Universal Sports. Should be some great running.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of having the competition, but I feel it would be best to just count the top 3 times of each team. I know I'm definitely the slowest person out of everyone (for the time being). So, I don't want to drag down the RI team by any means. If anything, I should probably be put in my own category. That way, if by some miracle I gain terrific speeds over the next few months and get the top time, I WIN A PRIZE! I know this won't happen, but I think it would be a good challenge for me lol.
