Tuesday, August 17, 2010

60 Days Until the Newport Half!!

Topics: Half-marathon training, CVS 5K, New Running Shoes

I'm into the 4th week of my 12-week training program for the Newport half-marathon. I chose the Nike+ Coach program titled: NWM Half Marathon Intermediate training program coached by "Coach Jay". By the 4th week, it has me running 15-25 miles per week and 4 miles is now the shortest distance I should be running. This program is pretty neat because it not only tells you distances to run certain days but it also has you do cross-training on days that you are not scheduled to run. And before or after runs there are certain exercises and stretches designed for you to do to get the most out of your run. The last day of the program happens to be the day of the Marathon. Perfect.

There are a few areas that I am focusing on during my runs. Looking at past running pictures (especially the Blessing pics), I have decided that it is definitely time to work on my form. Any pointers from other runners of the club are definitely welcome!

Most importantly, I am focusing on my arms. I have to stop flailing them around like a Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man. For example--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q__Jcec3QYI&feature=related. I'm straightening out my arms more so they are swinging straight forward from my sides. My arms are comfortably bent at almost (not quite) 90 degrees, loose wrists/hands, and I am relaxing my shoulders more.

Next, I need to focus on my bounce. As Danato pointed out when we were running together the other day, I need less bounce in my strides. He recommended that I try to extend my stride a little bit and push out. This will help me go faster for the same amount of energy. I will try to do that more.

Lastly, I need to smile more during my run! I swear, it is not as painful as my face makes it look. I think it is fun! I need to make it look like I am having a better time, haha. Maybe I should throw up the thumbs up once in a while like fellow runner Nikki! Haha you can't put up your thumbs without a smile on your face! Nikki, do you have any pointers for my pouty face?

On Sunday, September 19th, I plan on running in the CVS Caremark Downtown 5k. I am joining T-Cone's company team, Andera and friends and we will be sporting some sweet headbands. My plan for this run is to beat my PR of 27:52. I know I can do that.

I have a new pair of running shoes. A "fun" pair. Shoes that I will not necessarily wear all the time, but to enjoy once in a while. I am in the market to buy official new shoes that I will use regularly. I'll probably be the proud new owner by the end of this week. The new ones that I currently have are the Nike Free Run+. The black on black ones with white bottom. Very sexy. They are supposed to simulate the freedom of running barefoot.
Click here to see the video that explains the Free Run+ shoes on NikeRunning.com.
They sorta lack in overall foot 'support'. Which is why they are my "fun" shoes. I like them. They are very light. Very flexible and so far I have no support issues. I'm a normal pronator so support isn't my main feature that I need to look for in shoes. I haven't got used to running with no socks though. I am still running with socks in these shoes. I don't think I'm supposed to wear socks with them, haha. I might not be able to run the half-marathon in these shoes though. So that is why I am going to buy primary running shoes that I can switch with the Free Runs. I really like my Lunar Elites that I've been using since March. I think I'm just going to upgrade from those. Same brand and make but a newer model. The Nike Lunar Elite+ 5.

My running has been going really well. Since I have started running in January, I have lost a total of 25 pounds. I am very proud of this accomplishment and I notice that I am much more confident not just with my body image but with running in general. Running has become a part of my life. I am quite excited for the half-marathon. I'm going to approach it like the other races I have done---just go out there energized, pace myself, run the entire distance and just have a good time!

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