Friday, September 10, 2010

the 10 spot

It’s been a while since my last blog post, but I’ve been keeping on with everyone else’s posts, good work everyone…Tang keeps battling the heat, Knapp is now a running book connoisseur and that tree falling on the car sounds pretty awesome haha, nikki keep up the good work, even if you cant get off for the half, its still worth running just to run.

Anyways last night we pounded out the 10 miler. The schedule I made has the long runs on Saturdays but since we’ll be driving cross country for the next 10 days we had to modify the schedule and get 10 in after work last night. The run went really well, we talked through the first 3 and a half miles or so without listening to music and going at a solid pace, the most lauren had ever run was the 8 miles a few weeks ago so she was holding her own pretty well, this 10 was the most that I’ve run since the Disney marathon in 2009 and I felt good too. We kicked on the ipods right after we finished going around the boston common and headed down commonwealth ave. Comm ave is awesome for running, its lined with trees and nice houses, plus it has big side walks on either side and right down the middle, we followed it all the way to Kenmore square (where the citgo sign is) and up and around Fenway Park. I think my favorite thing about running in Boston is that I can do stuff like run around Fenway Park. When I was little going to Fenway was such a big trip, such an experience and now I’m running around it on a Thursday after work, 10 year old Pat woulda been in awe of 24 year old Pat.

We looped around Fenway to get to the 5 mile mark and made our way up Boyleston right into the back bay. By this time it was dark so all the lights were on and it was a real cool run. We ran past the Prudential and the Hancock, but the best part about running on Boyleston is that it’s the last stretch of the Boston Marathon. During the actual marathon you make a big left hand turn onto Boyleston and BOOM thousands of people going crazy and a big straightaway is all you have left in the race, its amazing, I get goosebumps just thinking about it haha. Well a regular days run on Boyleston is a little less climatic but you still get to run through the finish line, which they leave painted on the street year round.

We finished up going back through the common and then over a few small bridges and we were back in Southie. Lauren was really kickin it at this point, knocking out sprint after sprint as we approached the 9.5 mile mark, after the run I asked her what got into her and she said a real good song came on haha, the ballad of john and yoko by the beatles, she pumped it in there 3 times in a row and pwned the final stretch.

I’m glad we’ve got the 10 miler in, we’re going to go up to 12 before the race so that we’re uber confident about the 13.1, but the 10 was a nice step toward that direction. And while everyones throwing around their favorite running books, I saw a running movie recently. Have you all seen Run Fatboy Run? I highly recommend it for anyone that likes running or Simon Pegg or good movies.

Oh and BTW Congrats to Lauren who's now a member of the 100 mile club!

1 comment:

  1. My two favorite parts:
    When I was little going to Fenway was such a big trip, such an experience and now I’m running around it on a Thursday after work, 10 year old Pat woulda been in awe of 24 year old Pat.

    and the Boston Marathon paragraph.
