Thursday, September 2, 2010

State of the Team

Nikki: Congrats on being able to train while on vacation AND write a post. I definitely love coming here and reading about everyone else's trials and tribulations.

I know what you mean with trying to squeeze in training while on vacation. While I was in Mexico, it seemed the required activities every day included dehydrating on the beach and drinking which made the "dreadmill" that much tougher. Speaking of the treadmill, I agree with the calibration of the treadmill. I do feel like the pace is quicker than what is actually being ran. The main goal that we have as new runners is to get miles in; don't worry about pace.

Despite the way I treat walking, if you walked all day, that definitely cuts in to your energy to run later but hey, it STILL counts as mileage. Did you also notice walking all day isn't that bad after having run that distance on just one run? As far as asking for time off for the half, I hope everything rights itself.

Glad you liked Ultra Marathon Man, I think I will re-read it per your request.

State of the Team:
I've obviously been in Texas for the summer and have seen the Texas runners run consistently. I have not been running log peeking since probably May. What I have noticed after going over it recently:

1. Most consistent runner this year: Knapp (no surprise here) who is closing in on 400 miles.

2. Quietly, someone is about to enter the 100 mile club: Mr. Boisvert, who is also throwing down decent long runs as well.
edit: AND Lauren.

3. Kevin is about to enter 200 country, followed by Pat.

4. Tyler, you got PR written all over the CVS 5k with the consistent mileage.

5. I'm not asking for 100 mile months or racing every weekend from everyone but those with logs that have been putting up goose eggs for months at a time, I hope it's due to not logging the mileage. Remember, after a couple weeks off, all that speed you worked so hard for will disappear. Not to be too negative, the good news is it'll take a month for it to come back to you. I just hope that your current workload isn't so insane that 30 minutes of running is not an option but if it does not fit your lifestyle and is not fun any more, then it may not be worth it to keep running and that's fine with me.


  1. laurens running log is now updated, i was keeping track of our runs on a spreadsheet and she's been too lazy to update it haha, 86 miles in, tripple digits here she comes
