Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eight Is Enough

First things first, congrats to the CVS 5k runners!

U2 - "streets have no name" mp3 after watching the Without Limits trailer a hundred times. Try NOT running fast after that comes on your iPod.

Warning: not your usual uplifting post. I don't mean to be a Grumpy Gus after some great race reports.

Eight miles at night + semi-easy four a couple days later

Pick your poison:
ITBS (upper leg hurting) or Metatarsalgia (feeling like your shoes have rocks in them)?

Thanks to Knapp suggesting heel to toe running, I can at least choose ITBS by reverting back to a heel to toe runner. Unfortunately, I feel like I am starting from square one since forefoot running uses different muscles. And the lower back pain, knee pain, and hip pain feel like they are creeping up around the corner because of the heel to toe, but that could be because I started with eight miles on the first go round.

I'm going to have to re-evaluate my feet. If some miracle doesn't happen, I'll have to listen to my own advice of "If it isn't fun any more, stop running" and shut it down. Chances of me running in a marathon in the near future are slim to none.

I remember Bober telling me he was not built to run, and this is after 10 solid years of running. I thought, how much can I get out of my body? Hopefully more than 2 years...

Whatever the reason, I feel like I've had bad luck since coming back home. Training has been hindered by metatarsalgia that is getting worse and insane heat that's gone on for too long. (Shirts have turned in to makeshift bandanas mid run). Maybe I'm just remembering Providence's positives. I know Plano and Providence are not the same, but it is hard not to compare the two.

1 comment:

  1. Yo Coach. I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with your feet and switching up your style of running. I hope the heel toe method gets better as you go along in your training, and your luck turns around.

    I can't even imagine what the texas heat feels like during a can always come back to Providence! I could use a roommate :P.

    You've probably already heard about this, but I was looking into a book called Chi Running. They've developed all these methods to use while you run to prevent injury, and the results have been pretty successful for a lot of people. Maybe that might help (if you haven't looked into it already).

    Just like Bober, I feel as though my body isn't made for running either, but passion for running overcomes that obstacle (in the long-term sense) I think. Even if its jogging, its something. You know? And if you have to take a break here and there, I feel like thats OK. You can always pick up running again at any point in your life.
