Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Speed 2: Cruise Control

I. dinner time
lI. lightning, 4 dumb men, and a baby
III. food chain
IV. neighborhood newsletter
V. Sri strikes Plano

When do you eat when you have an interval workout? After the workout? Hours ahead? Oh no, I had to make it difficult on myself and eat right before since I was 50/50 on if the weather would clear up which leads me to my next point...

There was lightning and rain out there. I was not the only idiot out there on the Plano track as the Bearded Bolt held the track down for me. I got there and I guess Slower Jogger waiting it out in his car thought if this crazy kid is going to venture to the track, why not? A dad with a stroller even showed up in the latter stages of the lightning storm. It was pretty cool seeing lightning (if I had a nickel for every time I wrote 'lightning') albeit dangerous.

The understood hierarchy meant Bearded Bolt as the fastest sported the no-shirt look that O'Brien and I tried a couple times while on the run. Beardy left and my shirt was 99% sweat anyways so shirtless Tang made a rare cameo. The 400 times were pretty close to each other (minus the one lap where I held back trying not to be 'that guy' that passes people then jogs). The always humbling embarrassing moment in public happened as I somehow pulled out of the parking lot and went down a street before stopping, took a left in front of a car, and I heard a thud. Looking back, my Ozarka (Poland Springs of the south) water bottle slid off my roof and like always, I moved away from the situation aware and unwilling to acknowledge it.

After complaining about the shrubbery around these parts, the main culprit FINALLY cut his foliage out of my way. Thanks buddy.

Fellow Team Texan runner Jo Ann pulled a Sri and scraped her hand. Sri, don't worry, you're not the only one.

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