Thursday, September 9, 2010

Feelin' GOOD!

I only had to work until 1pm today, so I made it home by 2.
I keep telling Kevin that I need motivation to run, because when I'm at home, nobody else wants to run with me, so its up to me to get going...and I'm not a great self-motivator. One thing that Kevin told me yesterday that stuck out was that, even if I don't run the 13.1 miles, I should still run. That stuck out at me because it was kind of like saying, you don't have to run to race, you should just run because you pressure. So I thought about that today and it really motivated me to push myself to run.

So I did!

I ran for 1:15:32 straight. No stopping, no dumb excuses. I just went for it. And I did about 6.5 miles according to google maps...and it felt AWESOME! I kept it at an easy pace, and I definitely could have gone longer, which I will do this weekend. After a certain point it just felt like I was a robot and my legs were moving and I wasn't even thinking about it and could think about whatever and enjoy the scenery around me. The one thing I don't like about the SK path is that there are no clear mile markers, so I can't gauge how much ground I've covered, but oh well.

Also, something unrelated to running: Lauren if you
are reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH for mailing me my sweatshirt!! I'll pay you back for postage and then some. :) You did, however, make a mistake on the I fixed it for you. Here's how it should have been sent, just so you know for next time :) :

1 comment:

  1. After a certain point it just felt like I was a robot and my legs were moving and I wasn't even thinking about it and could think about whatever and enjoy the scenery around me.

    1. this is why I miss Providence.
    2. this sounds like a runner to me.
