Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cross the Country and back again

Long time no post. After our 10 miler we spent the next 10 days driving across the country. The trip was awesome, although defidently not good running wise, we didn’t run the whole time, other than a light 3 mile jog in San Diego and we ate absolute crap, nothing but fast food and good eats thanks to our book “Road Food”. The food was amazing, but amazingly bad for you. Anyways, seeing the whole country in a matter of 4 days in the car was awesome, we had a lot of fun stops along the way including visiting fellow TRC member Sri in the StL.

We got back to running this week with 3 on Tuesday, 5 yesterday and knocked out 3 in the dark this morning before work. Laur’s had some problems with her legs being tight which probably comes from 10 days of nothingness, but I’ve bounced back fairly well, we’ll be busting out another 10 this weekend as our last real long run before we start tapering down to the race which will be here in no time.

Tang, you should go and see a sports doctor about that meta-whatever its called problem (kinda gross but every time I read that word I see menstral hahaha gross) anyways they’d probably be able to get you a real fix for it. Don’t get down on yourself though, injuries can be tough but so is running all the miles you’ve ran, take a break if you need to, but it’ll call you back, it always does. After I run a marathon I’ve been known to take long breaks from running, after the first marathon I probably didn’t run for about 5 or 6 months, after the 2nd one I only took a month or two of light running then went back into training for the Disney marathon that was in January, but by the end of that I was burnt out and didn’t run (other than maybe 4 or 5 3 mile runs) from January 2009 until I started training for our little 5k we did this past May haha, that’s right, Tang you got me back to the running mode, and I couldn’t be happier about it. After the half I’ll tone down the training, just mix in a few 3 or 5 milers a week when I feel like it and then pick up the pace for the marathon training around mid January. Long story short, distance running is an odd beast, you hate it but you love it. After highschool I didn’t really run again until I started training for Boston sophomore year of college, it’s a bug that comes and goes, but when it’s there take full advantage of it and go for it.

Sorry for the long rant, anyways Knapp you were asking for an update on the marathon numbers, nothing yet, I’ll keep you posted, last time he was able to get them around Feb or March so it’ll still be a ways off, if we don’t get the numbers from him we’ll figure out another way of getting it done.

Nikki, KOB, Knapp, awesome work pushin it past 10, I’m pumped for the half, can’t wait to see everyone’s times as we pwn it.

1 comment:

  1. I wanna go on a road trip too!!! I saw all your guys' pics on fb, seemed like you had a blast!!
