Monday, September 27, 2010

Movies and Running

I. Run, Forrest, Run
II. The Jet versus Hercules
III. Terry Fox

Riffing off of Lauren's first post, I have to say that as runners (or born-again runners), we see movies differently now.

After watching the Forrest Gump link from Lauren's post, some thoughts:
1) We have all been asked why we run by non-runners in a "wow, this person is crazy" sort of way much like all the bystanders in the clip
2) His left arm looks like a mannequin's arm at times or just flails his arms while running
3) Running through dog doo, any runner can relate to that.

addendum: Running today past my old elementary school, I was thinking the kids on the bus may shout "Run, Forrest, RUN!" at me. Doing some quick math, I realized that that movie is older than they are. And that was when I realized I wasn't a kid any more.

I also caught a little-known great movie on TV called The Sandlot this weekend. I saw the climax of the movie where Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez has to out run the dog, Hercules and all I could think of was,
"He's fast. I wonder what his 5k time is?"

Bonus points if you wondered if PF Flyers DID make you run faster and jump higher than today's shoes or if they would be better than the Vibram FiveFingers/ Nike Free minimalist shoe movement.

And Benny and Nunez are also in Mighty Ducks 2. This is what happens when I have 4 days off from running plus IMDB.

Finally, on Tuesday night at 8/7c, a documentary on Terry Fox (the man who had cancer and ran across Canada) will be on ESPN, entitled Into The Wind. I'll definitely check that out.

"I believe in miracles. I have to."
-Terry Fox


  1. I always always ALWAYS wanted a pair of PF flyers. Do they still make them? I wonder if I can buy a Not that they'd make good running shoes or anything...

  2. i cant wait to watch Into The Wind! I'm going to cry like a baby- I welled up during the commercial..

  3. i always wanted PF Flyers too! I just looked em up, they still exist!

  4. Holy crap! Thats awesome!! I would totally buy them except I would probably get really weird looks if I wore them in public, being as they're guys shoes and all :P...but maybe I'll just wear them around my house and feel cool, haha

  5. hahaha well luckily for you nikki they also make them in womens

    i want some of those nubmer 5's, thats an awesome shoe, and i'll be able to outrun giant dogs
