Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7.4 Miles Today!

Set out for 7, ran just a tad bit more at an easy pace. I felt like I was going faster at the second half than the first, but the time that i got (1:24:29) said differently. I attribute this to the fact that there are a lot of hills on this course and that slowed me down a bit.

Hills are a challenge. Getting up the hill is hard, feeling that extra burn, but I find that leveling back out is the toughest..just after you've finished the hill. I feel extra pressure in my legs. Maybe its adjusting back to the pace.

Anywho, I felt really great on this run. Not once did I say "UGH, I just want to turn around now!" Thats a first for me.

It was 60 degrees out with lots of wind to keep me cool. As much as I love summer, I love the fall even more.

Note to self: If the wind is blowing one way do NOT spit the opposite way. This will result in covering yourself in your own saliva. Gross.

Also, and this may be a little bit too much info, but I'm getting some bad chaffing around the bra area. Since I don't have Astro-glide (which I need to get some) I used band aids to protect myself. Worked out pretty well!

I can't believe on my day off I went to run just about 7.5 miles. Whats gotten into me?! TANG THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Hahaha. After this, I plan on reading Once A Runner.

I also wish my family was more motivated to exercise. When I'm at Kevin's, I don't really need motivation to run, its just something we do. I expect it to happen. When I'm at home its a lot tougher because no one in my house runs. I want to try to inspire them to get exercising too. Hopefully one of these days my sister will tag along with me. Even if she only walks, that would be awesome.

I think I'm coming along pretty well. It took me longer than most to really accept running as a part of my life. Maybe I don't deal with change that well. I think I went through phases. In the beginning, I was pumped to start running. Then I fell into the angry phase where I was asking myself why I was torturing my body like this and wanted to stop. Now I'm entering the beginning stages of acceptance to the whole life style. I've still got a long way to go in terms of keeping up my milage, cross-training, and above all the way I eat. I've been trying to eat healthy for the past few days now. For instance, for lunch yesterday I had celery sticks, some cottage cheese, and a slice of bread with peanut butter and a banana. I hope that I can keep this up, but I realize it might take me a while.

Baby steps, Nikki. Baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. Hills-like I told Knapp and Sri, take smaller steps, just do it quicker (kind of like changing gears). People say hills are just speed work in disguise so you get faster and your legs become stronger.

    To add to your TMIs: I keep getting spit on the shoulders of my shirts for some reason. Did Kevin or Knapp use that BodyGlide I got em? If not, you should try it out.

    It is hard to know how to get people to start. You guys pretty much joined at the drop of a hat but that is an anomaly. My family tried to get me to run for a while and in my head, if I don't come up with the idea, I don't want to do it. Again, all you can do is enjoy running and ask every once in a while if anyone wants to join and maybe they will see how much it has changed you and join in.

    Also, understand that it IS intimidating to do something new. Tell them you'll run their pace (remind them to go SLOW) and it can be mixed with walking for even 5 minutes. Ultimately, it's up to them. Don't go religious zealot (trust me, I've done this).

    That's perfectly normal about your phases. I've gone through many false starts and have spent the last 2-3 years changing my lifestyle. You are on like 6 months so I agree with the baby steps mentality.
