Saturday, September 25, 2010

8 Mile

Hello all- this is my first blog post. Mostly because I do not think that I am witty enough to post on here and because Pat usually beats me to it.

Anyway, as you already know we had a break from running due to our cross country trip. Since we have gotten back on Monday night I have been having a hard time loosening up my legs for a solid run. This week I have struggled through two 3 mile runs and a 5 mile. Today we were slated for another 10 but I decided that I would rather run a solid 8 miler and try and pick up the pace a bit.

This was the first weekend that Pat and I have had free in about 4 weeks. Having nothing to do in a weekend is sometimes more exciting for us then having a weekend with a ton of plans. That being said we slept in till noon, first time that has happened in almost 2 months. Lounging around watching TV I was pushing back the run for as long possible hoping to maybe even to do it tomorrow. Until I stopped on something that I had seen 100000 times but this time it had a new meaning to me- and it motivated me to get my ass up and run. It made me think- WHY do you run? Because we had a tough day at work, because we want to get in shape, because it helps us think, or because I just feel like running?

The run today went really well- I was hoping that the weather would be cooler because it’s the fall but it was almost 90 out today so it wasn’t my favorite conditions. I kept a strong pace for most of the run- the beginning started out great and my leg muscles weren’t as tight as they were the past few days. Pat went for a 10 miler and left me at the 4 mile spot. I was a little nervous that with out him there to make me feel pressured that I wouldn’t keep up the pace. Pat even thought that he was going to be able to run the extra two miles and catch up with me again! I did walk for about a city block but picked up the pace and finished out the final 4 miles at about a 9:30 pace -with an occasional sprint- and Pat never caught up. Overall it was a successful run and I am happy that my legs held up! Can’t wait for the half!


  1. ? it looks like the normal font to me

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know how I deleted that last post but congrats on the run. Maybe we can run together for most of it,I think we are pretty comparable right now. What's your goal time?

  4. Rhoda - Congrats on the 8 miles and your first blog!!! I was wondering when you were gonna post on here! I am mostly jealous of your pace, I can't get better than a 10 min pace on a really good day. I usually average around 10:30/11 min..sometimes longer!!! Keep up the good work, I can't wait to run the half marathon either, I'll see you there!!!

    Love, Mary

  5. Knapp- we should def run together! I tend to randomly sprint and then slow down so I am kind of erratic but it will be good to keep each other motivated!

    Nikkinxd= Rhoda - hey thanks for the kind words!! i am so happy your running the race!! i dont know why but i thought you were working! i cant believe you ran 10 miles sans ipod! thats mental determination!! i dont think i could do it! keep it up!!<3 Mary
