Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blessing of the Ashton Mills: 10 Miles Take Two

Kevin and I decided to pound out a 10 mile run this afternoon, mostly because we were jealous of Pat and Lauren's completion of the 10-miler the other day :P.

We got started right around 1pm...we would have gone sooner except we have this frequently recurring problem of sleeping in till noon when we get the chance to.

About 6 minutes into it, Kevin disappeared out of view for me, and I knew I wasn't going to see him until the 4 mile mark.

I don't know why, but the first 1-2 miles is always the hardest for me. I think my mind fights getting into the "running-mode" and wants to give up immediately. But after I push through that, its usually smooth sailing/high spirits for most of the run. Sure, I have my low points where I want to give up, but they usually don't last too long.

Around the 2nd mile mark, which is mile 13 on the bike path *UNLUCKY*, my iPod cut out. I tried to get it going again, but it was no use. I would have to run the next 8 miles without any music. This might not be an issue for some of you guys, but music really keeps me going during my runs, especially keeping a steady pace with an upbeat tempo. It was really a challenge for me to see if I could actually do this. After my iPod died, I kind of panicked a little bit, but I kept trekking along and by the next half mile, I started feeling good again.

I just kept telling myself that I was a robot and that my legs would keep moving involuntarily no matter what. I know thats weird, but it helped me out with getting the right mindset.

I didn't have my watch on, so I couldn't gauge my time. I know I was running faster than I would be at my normal 12 minute pace. I let Kevin wear my watch instead, because he lost his and I knew since he would be finishing first, he could record both our times.

I was expecting him to pass me at around mile 4 because that would have been around the 48 minute mark for me if I were to run at a 12 min. pace. I got to mile 4. No Kevin. I figured he went into macho mode and decided to run 12 miles instead of 10, so I wasn't worried. I finally spotted him at 4.5 miles in and asked for the time. 52 MINUTES!! I was doing wayyyy better at this point than I did at the Blessing of the Fleet. Feeling gooooood!

It was here that Kevin told me there was no 16 mile mark, which would have been the turn around point at 5 miles, so I had to estimate when to turn around. Kevin ran farther than the mark because he couldn't spot it and ended up running close to 11 miles instead. Thanks for the heads up, Kev!

I counted to 60 six times to "estimate" my turn around point. I knew I couldn't slow down now...I was fully invested in the 10 miles and couldn't stop no matter what.

Mile 7: ran out of spit. Dehydration sets in and I can feel the tiredness in my legs already.

With no music to keep me going, I keep telling myself that I'm a robot and can't be stopped. Around mile 8 is where I chant to myself: "Go Nikki, Go Nikki, GO!" I'm a dork, I know.

Mile 8.5: Starting to struggle a little bit more but tell myself that this is the "home strech" and I can't puss out now!

Mile 9.5: So psyched that I'm almost done. I spot Kevin walking towards me a quarter mile down. At this point he tells me I'm at 1:46:something. I am elated to discover how well I'm doing and we power it out to the last marker!

Finishing time 1:47:40. I smashed my time from the Blessing of the Fleet. AWESOME!

I love the fact that Kevin stuck around to run with me for the last stretch, AND with a bottle of water for me. I like him. He's a keeper :)

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