Friday, September 17, 2010

Thoughts From the Week

This weekend, Tyler and Jess will be looking to PR in the CVS 5k. Good luck to them!

I. Health > PR
II. Movie time
III. Are we "addicted"?

I. While it is very easy to get caught up in wanting to shave seconds off or deciding what distance to race, I may have underplayed the importance of consistency. Consistent running along with a decent diet over the long haul should be the real goal. For my first year of running seriously, I did not even run a race but instead tried to improve my health (and become fast enough to not get smoked at a race). If running a race becomes too difficult, pull back because I'd rather have consistency over burnt out runners.

II. I've recently tried to pick up one of my college endeavors: going through the IMDB top 250. And I'm going about it like a college student: going to the library for DVDs. Watching 'Big Fish', I could not take Billy Crudup as anyone else but Prefontaine from 'Without Limits'. Also, I kept thinking his wife was trying to kill him since she's from 'Inception'. And speaking of 'Inception', just saw 'Memento'. Mind blown. Definitely thinking about it can be used in place of my iPod for the 8 miler. Way off topic, best one I've seen so far in two weeks is 'Harvey'. And that is a tangent.

III. There was a show on TV called 'My Strange Addiction' and since the controller was 5 feet away from me, that's what I watched. They followed four addicts and tell me which one is not like the others:

a. A woman who eats chalk and drinks laundry detergent
b. A woman that tans herself orange
c. A woman with six-figures of credit card debt
d. A man who attempts his first 100 mile ultramarathon

Seeing as how this is a running blog, I chose 'd'. I loved how they made him sound ridiculous for running 100 miles a week (WOOOAH), wanting to shock watchers with such a large number. Many elites do that kind of mileage. One of the ladies he worked with was scared that he would run a marathon and have a heart attack since there have been more recent reports of runners having a heart attack during a race. I guess he should just stop running then, because sitting on a couch would stop a heart attack.

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