Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7 X 400 Intervals and the Foot Placement Dilemma

With my car failing to get me to the track I had to borrow my sister's in hopes of getting in my workout. The 8 PM track crowd was there with a new twist; there were now running pairs/ jogging human walls in lanes 1 and 2.

Having to stretch to lane 3 every so often threw me off my times. I don't know about you but if I see someone faster than me on the track, I usually pull out of lane 1. In fact, this seems pretty common sense seeing as how this is what highway traffic should look like.

I think I may be finally doing intervals right since I feel like passing out after each lap and I was gasping for air with mouth agape so much that I a moth flew in my mouth. Definitely tasted salty.

By the last 400, my feet didn't feel 100% due to metatarsalgia...what is metatarsalgia, you may be asking?

Sorry about throwing 'metatarsalgia' out there as if it was common (the lady at the running store definitely was baffled when I asked for metatarsal pads). Sounds fancy, but it is really bothersome. Since re-programming myself from a heel-to-toe runner to a forefoot runner this whole year, I have developed calloused skin below my 2nd and 3rd toe, adjacent to the balls of my feet. What caused this?

I have hammer toes which causes my foot to sort of claw in with my toes pointed down. Because of this, the part of my forefoot that comes in to contact with the ground gets pummeled in this one spot. Less surface area covered = pressure in one smaller area. More surface area covered = okay.

I just bought metatarsal pads in hopes of relieving this pain. At 16 bucks a pop, I put them on my Spenco insoles and now have to rotate insoles between my 3 pairs of shoes. We'll see how this goes; if it doesn't help, I may have to reassess my running style back to heel-to-toe.

So, at week 5 of a 12 week program, do I:
Transition midway through my training plan from forefoot to heel-to-toe to decrease metatarsal rage but increase IT band problems?


Stay the course and reassess after the 13.1?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like the metatarsalgia would be easier to heal than the IT Band?? But I don't know. Could you mix and match. I've actually started to do this, perhaps it's a bad idea... but sometimes for half my run I rock the heal-to-toe and the other i do mid foot first. My reasoning is that I think my achilles is primarily due to the midfoot, whereas I feel more knee pain with the heal to toe. So my thinking is spread it out, so no part gets too much of a beating.
