Monday, May 31, 2010

Ashton Mill Run

Sean and I ran alone after excuses were spoken from Nikki and Kevin. Poor choice in timing, as a nice Memorial day = a s-load of bicyclists that seemed dead-set on running both of us over, including one [not nice lady] who just stared at me and almost made me run into the swamp because she would just not move the hell over. Aside from that it was hot...real hot.

Sean ran 2 consecutive miles up from only 1.5 yesterday, his goal is 3 within the week.

I ran 3 on the day at an incredibly slow pace...even for me.

Due to being corporate puppets for the next couple days, Kevin, Nikki, Sean and myself will be listening to CVS people talk about how great CVS is, therefore will not be able to run... thank God for rest days.

Keep it going Sri, it's all mental you can do it...

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