Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Day after the Senior Banquet

A couple brave kids from the team ran the Narrow River Run 10k after the Senior Banquet.

Congratulations as they are the top 2 runners for the 10k (aka Ultra 5k) on the team.
SIobhan 57:23
Jess 59:34

the athletic group that preceded this one (the unbloggable RX Basketball League) will have THE last game of basketball 4pm, Thursday, location TBD. Video of THE game last year may happen..

For those who haven't run with us yet:

This team is ALWAYS open for new recruits.

For people that don't know us really well, we're really nice people. (cough, Becky, cough)
For people that do know us really well, don't tell them we are mean.

Thanks Dr. Estus for the free commercial for the club
and that commercial (mixed with alcohol) has turned me in to a lightning rod for run.

-Thanks to Kasey's father, we are now the proud recipient of the back catalog of Runner's World magazines from 1992-2009
-Pritesh verbally agrees to join the Texas team during the senior banquet making him the first member without the last name of Tang down south.
-C Feds is a 19:30 5k'er; he should have his own club/ slide show
-Half marathon aspirations from Lauren Vieira, Tyler, and Donato?
-a 5k from Erica Snape?
-A certain new BFF who is going to Texas pinky swore to run with us once this upcoming week. We'll call her for the time being, Miss "I can run 2 miles in 15 minutes"

and how do you know I may like running? I brought a pair of Nike Frees to the Senior Banquet for a possible golf course run.

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