Tuesday, May 11, 2010

An Easy run

Broadway to state house to cvs bathrooms and over the skywalk

Brian (free 5)
Nikki (free 5)
Knapp (saucony omni)
Sri (nb)
Tang (free 5)

Women runners = easy run

Rocky II montage complete

Parkour expert Brian parkours Providence

The good news:
Very thoughtfully Knapp, Sri, Brian, Kevin, and Nikki
got me an awesome t-shirt with

Coach Tang
Tang Clan Running Club est. 2010
On the front

And Pre's quote on the back under my name. We'll see if Pre appreciates that with our future PRs.

Like I've said before though, I didn't do anything but run with y'all. You guys put in the miles and got out and ran; I never pushed you guys. Those 5k times are yours and I hope the running bug has been caught.

How do I keep humble after such a gracious gesture? What would ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes do? (Just kidding, he'd stare at the mirror)

The bad news:

I don't think I explained fartleks too well as apparent by this exchange:
(Not safe for sanity)
Nikki: tang, you fart, and I lick?!?
Tang: (look of disgust)

Tag of the day: on a running tank top at TJ Maxx: wicked muscle top

And dropping this week, book reports on Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes and Born to Run by Chris Macdougall

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