Monday, May 31, 2010

Non-running running news

Only in the South:
-biscuits and gravy for the complimentary breakfast (don't worry, I went with the usual peanut butter/ honey/ banana smorgasbord)
-we've all moved out of our dorms with trash bags before. Passing the hallway, I saw a student with a legit trash can. No lie.

Looking for the free crossword in the mandatory hotel newspaper, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (what? They read in the South?) I found an article on barefoot running. I enjoyed how the writer who sounds like he has no clue on the debate gives both sides an equal shot (although the title of the article is "Shod and proud: Experts say running barefoot is for birdbrains"). Basically, it's the battle of Dr. Daniel Lieberman and Chris MacDougall (Vibram FiveFinger backers) versus Kevin Kirby, the MacDougall-dubbed "angry podiatrist".

Thanks to reviewing journal clubs for pharmacy school, it's easy to see that there are biases involved; Kirby wants to fit runners with orthotics while the other two support barefoot running with a sponsor from Vibram. Dr. John Vander Schilden, a foot surgeon in Arkansas, points out that this trend of barefoot running may churn out more stress fractures (and metatarsal injuries like I may have ... uh oh). The tell tale sign that I'm now a runner is based on his description of a runner:
"Runners are no treat to take care of because they don't listen"


Runners are prone to dive feet first into a fad.

I'm just happy that people are running.

which leads me to a question I have received: How do you know when you are a runner?
-You feel like something is wrong when you don't run
-The question of running or not running comes up and you laugh at the idea of rest

I don't care how fast or how slow you are, if this applies to you, then I will dub you a runner.

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