Monday, May 17, 2010

The Gang tackles the Block Island Run


Landing on Block Island

Start of our run, the most intimidating bar, YELLOW KITTENS TAVERN

"Labyrinth" entrance

Labyrinth findings

Patriotic running team

Hiding water bottles at Andy's Way

Kevin (Nike Free 7)
Knapp (Saucony Omni 8)
Tang (NB 903)
Sri (NB)

Bikers (aka the dark side):

Landed at Old Harbor via ferry, started around Yellow Kittens Tavern, up Corn Neck Rd to the North Lighthouse, stop at the Labyrinth, and back.
~7.9 miles

Block Island is NOT Providence, that's for sure. The scenic view of the beach, ponds, and wildlife are a far cry from the urban settings we are used to. It was definitely similar to the Outer Banks (OBX for you car decal people). I was really happy to know we could hide bottles of water at the half way point behind the right turn sign (to keep 'em cool too) at Andy's Way like the trail runners we've read about. Unfortunately, I ran solo to the lighthouse which was not great due to loose sand/ huge rocks AND this set me back at least 10 minutes behind everyone else.

That led to the runners looping back to find me. Now, if I were to write like Dean Karnazes, it'd go a little something like this:
[Dean Karnazes voice]
Coming back from the North Lighthouse, I knew I could make up 10 minutes in 3 miles. I marched on with cell phone and camera to test the Labyrinth which proved to be a tourist trap. Meanwhile, the other runners, scared the worst may have happened to the namesake of the team, turned their vision to the north. When all hope was almost lost, a phoenix arose out of the woodwork, with a white shirt tied up on his head, bare chested, like a makeshift pirate. Kevin joined suit and proclaimed the sexiness on Block Island was at an all-time high.
[and end of Dean Karnazes over-exaggeration]

Getting back to Old Harbor, I was relieved by the David Goggins chant due to the lack of a shirt but was then embarrassed just as quickly as 2 nuns passed by.

And just to be awed by how much has changed, who would've thought 2 years ago that Kevin, Knapp, Tang, and Sri would've run roughly 32 miles on Block Island?

The cold ocean water after a run > shower head with cold water

Chariots of Fire run on the beach is also complete.

Not to be mature, but can Block Island re-think how they sell souvenirs with BI on it?

For those log peeking, check out Sri's log; closing on being the 2nd 100 miler.

and, to our delight (and to the disappointment of the onlookers thinking we had spotted Loch Ness), we had spotted an old wooden ship in hopes that it would contain pirates because we are eternally 5 years old

Ron Burgundy: Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era

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