Friday, May 28, 2010

Sean's First Run/ Tang's last RI run

Sean's First Run/ Tang's last RI run

"The first run/
is the toughest"
Knapp (sung to Sheryl Crow)

Souksanh (Nike)
Tang (NB 903)
Brian (NB Zip 8509)
Knapp (Nike Free 5)
Nikki (Nike)
Sean (NB)

Running an indian run for 10 minutes led to a regular group run. Being a puppet and seeing as it is my last run, I ran turban style to catch up to a woman runner. Trying to talk to her, I asked
"Hey what are you training for?"
"for life"


entered the triple double club with back to back 100 mile months since June-July 09 and an 8 (weeks) X 20 (miles). 7 more 20's to equal last year.

and circling the wagons, it was a proud moment [teary, parent-like rant] to see Nikki and Knapp encouraging Sean to finish.

Brian's East Coast run: 19 miles down, 2881 miles to go.

Our new recruit , Erica is throwing down in Phoenix weather (100 degrees, but its a "dry" heat)

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