Thursday, May 13, 2010

easy run part two

broadway to south main to india point park, down broadway, up westminster

6.9 miles
Kevin (Nike Free 7)
Brian (Nike Free 5)
Knapp (Saucony Omni)
Tang (Nike Free 5)

5.5 miles
Sri (NB)

runs by Fish Co.:
Tang: woah (in reaction to a 5 o' clock skirt in Providence)
Sri: I think I saw some butt cheek

Down a hill, Sri sustained a 39th degree scrape/ boo boo on her hand while trying to run backwards like us idiots. Be sure to ask her about it tomorrow at the Senior Banquet.

cutting down an alleyway to get on to Weybosset:
[A Copacetic shop selling oddities and a Robot shop selling ... well, robots]
Knapp: I feel like after 9 we'd get scalped, [illegal criminal act], or murdered here.
Tang: Or all three.
Hopefully in the right order.

Darker humor passes for humor on our longer runs

C Barks has a log

In the mean time, if you are continuing your running lives, I recommend

It'll help keep you organized in your training, help keep tabs on how many miles your shoes have logged (since you're supposed to change them every 500 miles), and it'll keep you realistic for your race times.

Just make sure if you create a profile to go to settings>my log preferences>allow everyone to see my running log

and also to tell me the screen name so you can be put up on the site.

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