Monday, May 24, 2010

Blackstone review/ pics and ideas dump

Sri's fav hill, Knapp's fav bridge/ Brian's parkour stage, me bronzing on the quad, blackstone parking at the red door house

Last tour through our stomping grounds: Blackstone

random thoughts:

-10% off at Rhode Runner if you are a student. Pass that on.

-Be prepared to give directions when you are a runner.

-marathon lightweight could be referring to:

a) my disposition to beer now due to running
b) a Call Of Duty reference
c) What I will be called after the Boston Marathon

-the equivalent of rings on a tree for a runner is the shorts length on a runner

-the best gift I received from the team. No good deed goes unpunished so I got them Body Glide from the running store (hence the 10% drop) since we drank all their water.

-I took a pic of the Athletic Complex because it reminded me of the time freshman year when my 3 roommates and I went to a Dartmouth v Brown hockey game. My roommate Dave, being from Vermont, led to all of us cheering for Dartmouth who eventually won. As we drove away we got to a stop light, rolled the windows down and asked unsuspecting students what the score was to the game. Like typical URI kids, we screamed "DARTMOUTH RULES!!!"

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