Monday, May 10, 2010

"Easy" run

Broadway to State House to South Main to Pine and back.
~3.92 miles

Kevin (Nike Shox)
Brian (NB Zip 8509)
Knapp (Free 5)
Tang (NB 903)

The all-male team, where easy runs go to die.
RIP Easy Run. We hardly knew ye.

on the corner of Broadway:
[Knapp ties shoe]
Tang: Kevin, wait.
(Kevin runs across the street)
Kevin, wait means stop.

repeat 5 more times.

Checklist of things to do:
run the steps of the RI State House, act like Rocky

This blog/ 4 team members were close to being obliterated when all 4 of us tried crossing the street in front of a bus.

Pine street stop sign versus Kevin's right arm. If I were judging, it was a tie.

and the quote of the day:

Brian: "We have not begun to run" -John Paul Jones-Tang

not the Led Zeppelin band member.

The team goes political
Kevin made the point Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan looks a lot like Jon Lovitz

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