Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ashton Mills (non-politically correct) Indian Run

As my time as writer for the rhode island chapter comes closer to an end, I'd just like to say that Andrew Knapp will be the new RI correspondent. IF anyone else on the team would like to contribute, let me know; I can add up to 100 writers. Just shoot me an email at There's no pressure to write every day; in fact with moving and me working (what?) I'll probably not post every day but just feel free to post whatever you feel would help or be funny to share.

Like any Kevin-involved activity, we sit around for 2 hrs then at the point of starting running (or a thing), we get outside and turn around for a bathroom break.

Tang (Nike Free 5)
Kevin (Nike Free 7)
Brian (NB Zip 8509)
Knapp (Saucony Omni)

Knapp brought up the idea of the indian run and it was finally used today going up to Massachusetts on the Blackstone River Bike Path. What's an indian run you say? Well for us, it consisted of four males running single file and the last person in the line would sprint to the front and hold the pace for 30 seconds, then repeat. 5 miles of this resulted in:

It's nice to have mile markers for pacing thanks to the knapp-dubbed obelisks.

on the subject of running all 48 miles of the path:
Kevin: It's like a super marathon
Knapp: You mean an ultra marathon, it's over 26.2 miles
Kevin: A super ultra marathon.
Tang: [non-sense] superman run.
Kevin: A supermanathon.
Tang: that doesn't sound right

A runner with no shirt on passes us and Kevin has to comment on this fact. This lead to what i'm now calling the Prince of Persia/turban look to see if we could beat the guy (:cough: which we did) instead of the pirate look with the t-shirts wrapped on our heads.

Brian sweating through hypothetically 3 layers of clothing

through synergy, we determined 2900 miles is a goal of the team to get to. Why? Sean (who may finally run with us) mentioned a bike path up and down the east coast which would equal 2900 miles. That's a lofty goal, Brian, to start at mile zero now.

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