Friday, May 7, 2010

Team Nike Free

Route: Broadway to Washington, left on Main, up Olney, down Congdon past the Rojo sculpture, walk down Mt. Doom car/ indie make out session and back. 4 miles.

Kevin (Nike Free 7.0)
Knapp aka Amerigo Vespucci for mapping our runs (Nike Free 5.0)
Tang (Nike Free 5.0)

type: Fartlek
for Kevin: Hills ("If there are hills in the course, I categorize it as hills")

laugh-inducing early 90s moment around the river:

(Kevin begins skipping during the run)
Tang: [singing half-heartedly] skip it, skip it
Kevin: [eureka/remembering something from back in the day / Kool-Aid guy] OHHH YEA!
hysterics ensue.

On such a warm day, I thought it would be appropriate to drop this article:

The Art of Spitting (Lao Tzu's lesser known book)

Sri, skip this next sentence. For those of you with a dirty mind, laugh at the idea of a post on spitting. Done?

Ok, so seeing as how I was not involved in any organized sports past 5th grade, I never learned the art of spitting on the run.
For those that have mastered it, congratulations. It's taken me a year and when I do spit on the run, I look like that dinosaur
in Jurassic Park that blinds Newman. (More 90s nostalgia)

And that's only when I get it right, otherwise I end up getting it on my sleeves, face, pants, and other people. The worst is the
string of spit that happens when a female is running right by you. I'd say I'm a lifetime 80% non-embarrasment inducing spitter (a lesser known running stat, known as the NES system). However, I have run so much that I am amazed by the double spit ball spiraling shot. Yeah, I need to get out more.

tips on the art of spitting:
-drink more water and less milk (helps decrease viscosity)
-turn your head to the side
-look to make sure no one is behind you
-aim low
-run faster so that you are less of a target for your own spit
-do NOT spit in to the wind

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