Monday, May 31, 2010

Tang returns to Texas

The Tangs make it back to Texas

[+] Tang's thoughts
[+] 3.1/ 8.5 in Texas
[+] coaching/ editor's note/ goals

In the imaginary Rhode Island stock market I'd say that the make believe stocks of Shaw's frozen vegetables for knees and spitting [who'd buy stocks in spitting?] have plummeted along with running faster [aka the Ego run] whenever anyone tries to run faster or if a pretty lady comes around. Hopefully, warming up and cooling down have reached an all time high in Rhode Island now that I am gone.

Altitude training? Scratch that. Pollution training/ heat in Texas. Check. Beat that, Kenyans.

Four states run in 5 days (RI, VA, AR, TX) and I'll have to say it ranks in that order as well as far as perfect running weather.

So if you run long enough and sweat a ton (Brian), and then cool down, salt pops up on your arms (or I need to re-think how I shower).

I've got a black and non-existant badge of honor (running-style) since my toe nail just popped off last night.

Marchman Way/Coit/Hedgoxe/Independence/ Marchman Way loop

Tang, Aaron (NB 903) 8.5 mi
Tang, Lisa (??? wow, what a great son) 3.1 mi

Thanks to Mom being my personal pacer, I ran a decent first loop of the route.

Today was a day in which I needed two things:
1) carbs, because I bonked* HARD at mile 8.5. (bonk - verb 1. hitting the proverbial wall). Empty stomach running is only good for so long. I thought I tasted pineapple but it turns out a) when was the last time I ate pineapple b) yakking was imminent.

2) my personal cartographers, Amerigo Knapp (and Brian), to map out the path BEFORE running it since I underestimated the distance and what I've dubbed the "Hedgcoxe Road Triple Hill of Doom". I made the turn on to Coit and remembered running this course and being scared of a hill. I thought I had just finished a speed bump/long hill and thought to myself, "this is easy."

Famous last words of a dead man.

Then I made the right turn on to Hedgcoxe Road and on to the three consecutive gradual hills. This is no Providence, RI Angell St. 7% grade but the long, gradual hill after long, gradual hill after long, gradual hill mentally bested me. So yeah, I definitely needed Amerigo's help.

Southern Hospitality: I remembered many northerners saying the people in the South were friendlier. I got a refresher course when I got 5 hardy "GOOD MORNING"'s and the runner's wave between 6:30-7:30 AM. By the end I was recognized as a native son again.

Thanks to Nikki and Brian for finding those shades because now it's functional and not JUST to look like THAT guy.

OK, let me put on my Coach Tang cap.

I have to say I was happy to see Knapp and Sri post up 3 new entries. [Looking forward to the other kids posting as well] As for bonking, guys, it happens. I just did it today. These days happen but they make the great running days feel better; nothing great ever came easy. You guys already threw down 100+ miles in 2 months (more than me in my first 2 months--check my log) AND you've run 8 miles once way before I ever attempted that distance. Do whatever it takes; imagine I'm behind you telling you to relax.

As for weather, guys, I don't know if you know this but the high today in Plano is gonna be in the mid 90s. What do I suggest? Go to and find a temperature and time you like. I woke up at 6:30 to run the equivalent of the hottest it is in Rhode Island; and that's the coolest it'll be all day. I'm not asking for 6:30 AM runs, but I think you guys can get away with 9:00 AM runs.

Now let's get to what I'm excited to read about (when I come back from my family vacation) which is the Matty's 5k race. I'm ready to see some new PRs on the left side of this blog from you guys. I'm ready to see the duel of Knapp and (if he shows up) Eamonn. Erica Estus will become a member after the race. I can't remember if it was Nikki or Kevin who was running it but the same goes for both of you. Stop running if you feel the slightest pain while training because you are not racing when you are running easy. (EASY, Kevin. Easy means we are not racing all the time). I'm very disappointed I won't be able to cheer you guys on but again I look forward to reading some race reports and maybe even seeing some awesome race pictures.

Non-race related but I am pumped to see Brian enter the 100 mile group soon.

Editor's note: I apologize about not letting you guys know this in advance but I will edit (but not change) the content for some choice words just because I want to keep this PG-13. Also, Runner's World or Nike may be picking us up so we want to be corporate-friendly. Just kidding. But seriously.

Personal Goals:

Let's get to the brass tax.
Seven states (TX, RI, NY, NJ, VA, AR, NV) run in.
Seven is also the number of opportunities I have to medal and get the Tang family sweep at the Plano Pacers Running group races each month. 5 in the 20-24 group, 2 in the 25-29 group. It looks like either running is becoming more popular, the college kids are out, or the fact that there was only one race this time but the competition looks tough.

In fact, small world, I know who would've knocked me out of a medal if I had run

May's results

I also have thrown away the idea of setting a time for finishing the half for now; I had more fun running when there wasn't a goal.

I'm not at Mammoth Lakes, California like Meb where I can go dunk myself in a cool river but I CAN go jump in the pool. Peace.

Since my NB 903's are running out of mileage soon, I don't know if I should stick to the NB lineage (904's for 44 bucks) or appease Bober and head towards some ASICS 1150's.

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