Sunday, May 30, 2010

First RI run without Tang *single tear*

Today the Tang-less team ran for the first time without its fearless leader. No one will ever be able to post in the Blog like Tang...seriously, probably the best blog writer of all time. The run came post Uno's lunch and post retardation by myself yesterday. I woke up early before work to run, and ran about a half mile tempo run without stretching before I had to stop with shin splints.


Nikki (Asics) ran 3 miles and self-reportedly did well. She will no doubt embarrass the field in the Shake and Bake run.

Sean (NB) ran 3 miles as well and is improving after a long layoff. Also leads the league for number of Bobby Jenks shouts during a run.

Knapp (Saucony) ran 4 and change miles... some long run this turned out to be.

Kevin (SHOXXXXX) had an epic knee injury and vagina-ed (AKA walked) 3 miles.

Congrats on the 30 miler weeks Tang, one day I hope to get to that plateau.

Also Brian and Sri are missed... graduation blows.
PS Sri is called out for saying she doesn't want to run because "it isn't fun anymore"... lame

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