Saturday, May 29, 2010

Salem, Virginia

Aaron Tang (NB 903--the official shoe for Virginia runs (V. Beach and now Salem)

While the other correspondents get ready to write about their running in their own unique way, the male Tangs landed in Salem, Virginia near the Blue Ridge Mountains. Naturally, 8pm means running around the fast food-filled streets of the South.

The big selling point for our temporary housing, Comfort Suites on Wildwood Road, was the Zen Awakening massage chair. A couple of things:
1) sitting in a massage chair of this caliber always makes me feel like Professor X from X-Men
2) getting a massage still feels like absolute torture meaning I'm still a little kid
3) I now know what to get my parents
4) I am re-thinking my shirtless t-shirt turban running look after feeling like I was jiggling in all the wrong places

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