Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aaaaaaaaand We're baaaaack

After about a 3 week hiatus, 6 stitches, becoming a home owner, lots of painting, packing, moving, late nights and more moving life has settled back down (sorta) and it coincidently coincides with the start of the “Official Half Marathon Training Guide” that I drew up a few months back. So yesterday on the hottest day of the year, after a sweat filled softball game I got home, grabbed my running shoes and me and Lauren went for the 3 mile run that would start the 3 month long half marathon training.

Running around the new condo pwns running around the old apartment, not only because it’s a much nicer area and we get to run down by the ocean for the most part, but the best thing about running at the new place is the lack of the giant half mile hill that started out every run at the old apartment. The run went pretty good, I was beat from being in the sun for the past 2 hours at softball and right from the get go Lauren lead the way. This marked the first time that Lauren took charge of the run and she did really well, including a nice sprint up one of the hills that had me saying, seriously? Now? Running in the heat is interesting, I always say I cant stand it but then I think about running in the middle of the winter and the heat doesn’t seem that bad, its actually kinda nice cause you feel like you ran so much more than 3 miles due to the copious amount of sweat.

Anyways, I’m glad to be back on the trails and more importantly back on the TRC Blog. I’ve been reading even though I haven’t been running, keep up the good work everybody!

Sri we’ll have to go for a run under the arches in September when we visit. The one time I went to St. Louis I went running around there and around the Cardinals stadium, it was real nice.

It was good seeing TRC members knapp, kob and nikki this past weekend up at our place, although there was no running involved, just a lot of drinking and eating.

Tang, nice new shoes, although going against the asics is a bad choice haha. Just make sure they have enough support in them, its important for distance running (what the guy at rhode runner told me).

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