Friday, July 16, 2010

July Luck

topics explained:
  • absence of me
  • absence of we
  • absence of asics

The month of July has been cruel on my running as well as the summer heat. If you take a peak at my running log, this month has been riddled with red crosses indicating sickness and a pulled lower back after moving furniture. Since I've been hacking up a storm for the past 2 weeks, I'm grateful that this is happening before the 3 month build up to the half-marathon (or Pikermi, since that's half way to Marathon). The 5k race at the end of the month will be interesting to say the least with only 2 weeks left. I've been out of commission 1/2 the time since my return to Texas. Welcome back, Tang.

The lack of posts may strike me next as we are all entering NAPLEX and MPJE pharmacy exam time. We have all withdrawn to our fortresses of solitude and I hope we all come back out victorious in about a month's time. Then, I'll get back to more running/posts and I hope that the rest of the Rx crew follows suit.

3/4 of the Tang crew are now outfitted with Lunar technology. The Lunar Flys my sister got are pretty legit. Ahem, Nike pick me to write for you guys, cough cough. No complaints yet from us.

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