Saturday, July 24, 2010

Congrats to the Team

Congratulations to the Blessing runners. Thanks to Knapp's report, sounds like a tough race considering weather, traffic, and training but I am inspired by everyone that ran it and finished it. I've never seen '10 miles' and exclamation points and happy faces in the same sentence until after the race via text. Tack on a 5k to the end of that race, and that my friends is a half-marathon. I can't wait to see the other reports as well.

I now have a legit drawer for ONLY running junk (as part of the "You Know You're A Runner" article on the left side)

Thanks to the forced month off/ off-season for myself, I think I'll prematurely hand myself the Glass Jaw/ Eric Lindros award for being in non-running states for 1/2 the year.

The good news is that the summer recruitment process may mean the addition of two hopefuls to the team. I'm glad most of you joined during decent weather (well, when comparing it to the summer heat). It was tough enough organizing group runs but I don't know if it would have been possible to do 6 a.m. group runs.

To keep pressure off of these two, I won't mention their names until they feel like it. One of the runners has caught me at an opportune time, the same way the bulk of the team caught me; after a long hiatus. Hopefully this training/recruitment goes well this time, too.

Also, the monthly 5k race is right around the corner. Out of the 4 Tangs, only one has a shot at a PR/ medal in a stacked race since it isn't split in to two races like it usually is. Anyways, that one is Lisa, who has been the most consistent.

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