Sunday, July 18, 2010

Finally I can run again ...

Tang commented yesterday that no one had made a new post on the blog in quite some time, due to NAPLEX/MPJE constraints. Well now that I am done with both (hopefully), I look to rectify that situation. I haven't been running lately as much as I would have liked to, due to studying and knee problems, but now that I'm done with both tests and my knee is feeling better, I'm looking to run at least every other day.

When I have been running it's been limited to treadmill action indoors, due to the oppressive heat wave Rhode Island has been experiencing for the past 2 weeks. I feel like I've been regressing as a runner lately. It might just be that running on a treadmill for half an hour is painfully boring, but my pace has been slowly declining. I also haven't been able to run for long distances in quite some time, which doesn't bode will for my 10 mile race on Friday. Hopefully, after a full week of running this week and a long run or two I will be in good shape for Friday. We'll see.

What I do know, is what I will be listening to for the race, my new favorite record of the year, Best Coast - Crazy For You. It's an album full of 12 simple pop songs, that you feel like you've heard hundreds of times before, yet it keeps you coming back again and again. I'd liken it to a mix of the Beach Boys and the Supremes, surf pop if the Ronnette's sang. KOB recommended.

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