Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Preparation for Domination

As the 10 miler rapidly approaches, I thought it would be a good time to get a decent run under my belt. Due to the massive thunderstorms, KOB and I decided to hit the treadmills. I felt pretty good considering my lack of running recently. I decided to go for just 5 miles today, to conserve some energy for Friday. I finished 5 in about 49 minutes, and I feel like I could have done 8 easily at that pace, which gives some confidence.

I still have no idea what my goal pace for this is going to be. Had I kept pushing it like I was about a month ago, I would be thinking about maybe 9:20 or so, but right now I would be really happy with a 10 minute-mile pace (1:40 overall). The thing I am most worried about is sweat. Today I sweat through my shirt like 3 times over, and I only did half the distance in the AC! I can't wait for 10 miles in the heat, I'm going to leave a track of sweat behind me. Pacing will be more than key for me.

Sick shoes BTW Tang, I just bought a new pair myself, some Mizuno Alchemy's. I really wanted to snare me some of those Nike's, but I feel like with my flat and fat feet and crazy overpronation it would be a bad combo.

I'll be sure to write up a RR on Saturday with my new PR.

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