Wednesday, July 21, 2010


With the 10 mile race fast approaching and my lack of training (thank you NAPLEX and MPJE), I'm becoming more and more nervous as to whether I can tackle this race or not. Of course I want to try and run the full 10, I just hope my body can pull through.

I went for a run with Kevin last night on the bike path, I wanted to do 6 but only ended up with 5 miles. The first 3 felt pretty good, but the last two were horrible. My body got tired and it felt like my legs were dragging the entire time. I wanted to stop, but kept trekking, finishing at about an hour. So if I can maintain a 12 minute pace, I'll be happy. It also didn't help that I had a huge lunch yesterday and felt like I was going to upchuck at any moment. Baaadddd idea.

Note to self: On race day, DO NOT eat a big lunch!

The plan for tomorrow is to run an easy 3 mi. with Erica on the SK bike path. I think that will be enough to maintain the training, without pushing too hard before the race.

I think this race will really be a test of mind over matter for me. Erica said that people cheer you on the whole way, so I think that will be a great help and hopefully I'll have enough of an adrenaline kick in me to keep on keepin' on!

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