Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 2

Finished off week 1 with a early morning 5 miler in good ol' Fieldstone Pond in Brewster, NY. The distance on the run was decieving becuase I ran in and out of all the little culdasacs in the development, ran around the big loop road and then ran to this nearby road called Mt. Ebo road which on map my run looked like a normal road, little did I know it was pretty much an actual mountain haha, just what you want on mile 4 1/2 of a 5 mile run.

Got up for what I decided was going to be a regular Tues/Thurs occurance, a 5:45 AM wake and run before work. It was really humid this morning, but the run went well. We'll see how good I feel at softball after work on the 6ish hours of sleep, but right now it still seems like a good idea waking up and getting the run done.

Tang- Hal Higdon is the guide that I used for all of my marathons and the one that I addapted to make my half marathon guide. I found that its a really really good guide because it makes running a distance like a marathon totally managable by increasing the mileage at small increments so you barely notice that you're running farther. And by giving you 3 rest days during the week it keeps the legs fresh and you dont burn out. Good Stuff.

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