Friday, July 30, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow

-Jersey Shore
-Music and running

Soon, we may see a changing of the guards on the record books. (the second one in our short history). Be on the look out,

(and the kids of the Tang family are bowing out of the race, still plagued by bronchitis, so that leaves two people to PR)

Runner watching TV: Watching Jersey Shore, I was disappointed in The Situation wearing Reebok ReeZigs. For shame. Also, yes you can be disappointed in me for watching the Jersey Shore.

What could be more obscure than combining two obscure areas: running and indie songs? IF there was a venn diagram showing this, it'd be the smallest intersection ever.

underground songs + 'run' =

Phoenix-Run Run Run (the guys in that Cadillac commercial that are screaming "FALLIN FALLIN FALLIN")

White Denim-I Start To Run (music video has a nerdy looking dude running through the heat--sound familiar?)

Phantogram-Running From the Cops (reminds me of Providence because I played it a lot on the run--not because of the title)

Wu Tang vs The Beatles-Run (talk about obscure--mash ups)

Gnarls Barkley-Run (pro: in a nike running commercial
con: it has Tony Parker in it)

The Modern Lovers-Roadrunner (with a shout out to Stop n Shop)

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