Sunday, July 11, 2010

Training Plan Decisions

As some of us inch closer and closer to embarking upon a training plan for the half marathon, one word comes to mind: commitment.

That word is a bit intimidating. Most plans are around 12 weeks with each day planned out. I can't think of any other time where I had my life planned out that far in advance. The benefits will be tremendous as this will be for a lot of us a new plateau for athletic prowess. I'll definitely have a new found respect for those that have put in the miles and weeks all for one race. I've decided to go with Hal Higdon's 12 week plan but not to a t, a mix of novice, intermediate, and expert.

Out of all the training plans, one thing is clear and that is we all have to extend our long runs each week to get closer to tackling 13.1 miles not only physically but mentally. Looks like I'll know what you guys are up to on the weekends for a good hour or two.

Tang, A

With the remnants of flu still in my body, treadmill time with Pritesh. I forgot how comfy the Nike Free Shoes were.

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