Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mother Knows Best


Chisholm Trail then Einstein's Bagels for the stereotypical runner's Saturday morning in Plano.


Dear Running,

With the weather in Plano mirroring that of Seattle and my body taking on influenza, I have had to take a break from us for a week. Food doesn't taste the same (since my metabolism went back down to zero). Today mom asked,
"You running the Coit Loop (3.15 m)?"


"Hedgcoxe (4.67 m)?"

(famous last words) No, Chisholm Trail (6.58 m).

As I ran an out and back trail, of course I get to the very end, then start walking the longest walk of shame because I can't breathe.

The last mile, it starts raining.

So I'll see you tomorrow then?


While on the run:
  • saw teenage normal non-ninja turtles and napping ducks
  • got a "Howdy"
  • saw a sign that said "this yard protected by Taloolah" <- I thought of Cool Runnings as most of you should have as well.
  • thought, why would anyone smoke? My combined chest congestion and humidity made it feel as though I were breathing through a straw. Oh that's right, because smoking is cool. I forgot.

What positive things have happened though:

  • KOB, without the characteristic excited shouting we are all accustomed to, broke the 100 mile mark. Congratulations my friend.
  • It's nice to have a running expert/ resident Kenyan on the team in Mr. Henderson. It is one thing to train based on plans made by people you'll never meet, but to have sage advice from a friend who has run the distances about to be tackled really ups my confidence and hopefully everyone else.
  • Watching the Diamond League on Thursday, Usain Bolt came out in this shirt:

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