Thursday, July 22, 2010

running thoughts (haha, double meaning)

The Blessing of the Fleet 10 miler is only a day away.

Take the race however you want it but at this point, I would say like usual that the effort you put in is more important than whatever time you finish it at. If I was still up there (I wish :tear:) then the amount of running I have done in the past month would have me setting a goal of just finishing. You guys could even run this together or in smaller groups to help each other out. Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day and eat a couple hours before. That's one benefit of an evening race, fueling up without having to set an alarm clock. And as usual, race reports would be excellent because it combines my love of reading and running, all without having to sweat.

As always, good luck and I wish I could be there to run and/or support you guys. At the very least, there will be 6 new PRs for the record book.

Knapp: sick pick up. Mizunos are definitely a runner's shoe. I was thinking of picking that up at some point so you'll have to let me know how they are.

Random Thoughts:

You'll be happy to know URI was represented (and per usual, given attention to by the adults just like our old row in class) at the Walgreens meeting with fellow teammate Souksanh, who has been packing on the mileage and getting the usual treatment of getting razzed on.

A coworker and I shared a conversation about what there is to do here in Texas. Given the lack of options, somehow the zombie apocalypse came up. Running doubles as training for this because after all, you just have to be faster than the slowest person and I know we all are.

With the half marathon plan starting in less than a month, now comes the idea of a pool party around then, too. Nothing like getting back on the horse for a month to get back in to pre-sickness shape due to the standard Texas summer party: a body of water with half-naked people.

self-consciousness: my training motivation.

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