Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 3

Three weeks in and half marathon training is going swimingly. Tues/Thurs were the easy 3's that I've been getting up before work and doing which I'm liking more and more. After you get over the inital shock of seeing 5:48am on the alarm clock its a good way to get the day going and you can't beat the fact that you get home from work and don't have to run. Wednesday was a nice 5 miler, me and Lauren ran it at a talking pace which was about 9:30 or so until the last mile when I took off and only ended up beating her back by a minute or so which I was suprised about. Tomorrow is a 7 miler which should be good. Last Saturday was 6 and I ran into downtown and over past Fanieul Hall. I'm gonna do the same for the 7 but an extra half mile out into the North End.

Anyways the reason I decided to write a post was to say good luck to you guys doing the 10 miler tonight. I wish I could be there but unless I took some time off my boss wouldn't be happy with me leaving early 2 Fridays in a row. You will all do great, once you get to larger mileage (10, 13.1, 26.2, or the extreme 26.25) it's really all mental. Granted the speed at which you do it is physical, but getting over that finish line is all mental. You've all been running and you're all in fine shape to bang out 10, just dont let yourself give up. If you get to that point where you wanna stop just tell yourself the faster I go know the sooner I'll be finished and then you can really stop! haha thats what I do at least. Kick some ass, I'm looking forward to hearing the race reports.

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