Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 4

First off, awesome job in the blessing guys. I'm real proud of you guys. Just like Tang feels like a proud poppa of all of you, I feel like a proud grand-poppa haha. If you'd have told me in college that I wouldnt be the only runner out of the group soon I don't know if I woulda believed it, but you guys have come a LONG way in such a short time, I'm throughouly impressed. 10 miles is nothing to sneeze at, that is some serious stuff, if you can run 10 then 13.1 is a breeze and a marathon is a very, very realistic goal. Great job powering through the conditions, rain is fun to run in, but like Knapp said once your shoes and clothes start getting wet and heavy and the blisters come it causes for some troubling condtions, way to get through em!

Tang, welcome to the pre-breakfast club haha, waking up at 5:40 to run is a shock to the system but you'll get used to it, and I can imagine that the Texas heat is a little better at that time of the day, eh? haha

Nothing exciting over here, the half training continues. Saturday was a 7 miler, I ran up to the Boston common and around there, it was fun becasue there was a ton going on in the common and downtown in general. I like running around all of the action because watching all the goings on while I'm running distracts me and then bam I'm almost done. Had a 3 miler this morning, 4 tomorrow, 3 thurs and 5 in the Orlando heat on Saturday worked around Universal, Disney and Harry Potter, so pumped!

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