Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On To The Next One

Fellow runner Tyler wanted to throw out there that there's a 5k in Providence sponsored by some small company, not sure if you have heard of them. CVS, I believe?

CVS 5k

I can't believe I'll miss it again due to not being in RI during September for the 2nd year in a row. I wish I could run this since a lot of recognizable elites run it for the prize money ($ 5k for 1st place in a 5k--har har). Checking out 2008's results, US elites Matt Tegenkamp, Shalane Flanagan, and Molly Huddle (RI product) were at the race. You can tell I'm still a bit angry about not running the 2005 CVS 5k with Kara Goucher (or running period in 2005).

They actually show team affiliations on the right side for the results so you guys could definitely create a new team name.

Oh, 6 a.m. running.
~2.2 miles
The rooster is apparently not even in his neighborhood. More likely across the street since we heard it on the way to the park.
Running before work experiment continues during the 2 week rehab with the new recruit.
Do I stay awake for the 8-hour shift today?

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