Thursday, July 8, 2010

Up and At Em

Day 3 of half marathon training started about 10 hours after the day 2 training ended. After going 4.25 last night at 7:30, I tried something new this morning, waking up and running pre-work. Getting up at 5:50 wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be and running at that time of the morning is perfect. It’s quiet, there aren’t many people around or much traffic at the cross walks, the temperature is perfect and you start your day with a sense of accomplishment and best of all you don’t have to run at night in those precious post work hours. All in all it was a good experience and I’m planning on doing it for all of the Tuesday/Thursday runs going forward as they stay between 3 and 4 miles which is do-able pre work.

Knapp, just read your last post. 7.5 non stop is awesome, especially when your previous high was 4.5, good work! Not stopping is so key, that sounds obvious but it really is, I’ve found that its better to slow yourself down to a real slow jog than to stop and/or walk. Once you stop, even if its to start walking and the walking is faster than the slow jog it’s a different motion, I find its real hard to get yourself running again once you stop that motion, especially when you’re running long distances like the half or the marathon, just keep moving. Oh and def take some days off, you don’t wanna burn yourself out this early or get some shin splits from over working yourself. BTW I cant do the 10 miler, in order to get there in time I’d have to cut out of work at like 3 since theres some major traffic heading to RI on Fridays, which would usually be fine but I have to cut out at 3 the Friday before that to get to Parfait’s wedding. But keep me posted on it, I want to know how it goes.

Keep up the good work everyone.

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