Saturday, June 19, 2010

2nd to Last Run in NY

Today was not such a good day for running for me. I went out thinking it would be my long run for the week, but for whatever reason I only made it 2 miles before I had to stop :(. Oh well. As Tang said, I have got to look at the big picture - A few months ago, I would have laughed if someone suggested that we go running, let alone have enough motivation to run on my own. Tomorrow will be another day - my last run in NY for a long time!

As for running music, I am getting slightly bored listening to the same songs over and over again, so if anyone would like to make me a CD of running music (because I'm afraid to download songs on my computer) and send it my way, I'll be happy to give you my new address in St. Louis! :) It'd be a super house-warming gift!

As I prepare to leave for STL, I am sad and excited all at the same time. I am really going to miss all you guys! Well, I already do. :( I hate the idea of being so far away from everyone but it will be a whole new chapter in my life though - new place to call my own, new job, new city, new friends (I hope! haha). You all have to come visit very soon!!! Pat and Lauren have already booked Hotel Sri in September - I hope the rest of you do as well! :)

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