Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lack of fluids and electrolytes equal...

Pat, that Narragansett race at night is the Blessing of the Fleet on the left side

Tang, L

Tang, A

Thanks to a certain revenge on a certain Spanish conquistador in Mexico, I had to walk 1/3 of my run today and anyone who knows me, I don't count walking as mileage. To add insult to injury, I thought it'd be a good day to go unveil the new look:

1) sunglasses Brian and Nikki found in Providence
2) shirtless
3) the tan line that spells "TANG" (or some semblance of it) on my back.

I guess I cursed the Texas Running Gods today by doing so (or maybe that's from the 20+ miles on a treadmill last week). Awkwardly, I got a whistle from workers in a lawn mowing truck.
I knew it wouldn't be a usual run when the first 10 seconds felt like I had already run 5 miles. I may have to stop running for a couple of days until I replenish fluids and electrolytes due to the high chance of bonking.

World Cup thoughts:

The drone of bees noise, the vuvuzelas. Where can I get one?

Felipe Melo of Brazil sports the same Nike running gloves as me

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