Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's A Father's Day Miracle

In the midst of rereading Born To Run, I woke up at 6:15 AM for today's group run having dreamt that I ran a 7:05 for the mile and was being partnered up at some strange pharmacy training resort, while being in just that perfect level of blanket and comforter. Go figure.

6:45 AM
Tangs A,J, & L

Mom brought up using a new trail, the Chisholm Trail. Decent but no Blackstone or Ashton Mills (based on weather entirely).

In rare form, I unleashed the inner Prefontaine front runner in me during a group run, at least in recent history (I'm sure everyone else will beg to differ). On a turns-ridden trail I had never run before. Smart, Aaron, smart.

Every 5 minutes consisted of me stopping and looking back for directions. In true Father's Day form, my dad sped up to tell me there were blue arrows spray painted on the pavement to direct me but even then I was unsure of the trail.

Along the way, I spotted some ducks, I think wild turkey (of the non-alcoholic variety), and swamp rats?!? Also, passing under the road was not as scary as passing under the electricity pylons when it sounded like they were shooting electricity right over me.

For a Sunday morning on Father's Day at 6:45, there were quite a few runners so this'll be my Blackstone substitute.

As the men circled the pond, the run became a doubling back of sorts since the women probably had turned back earlier. Since we had the keys (great planning), the run to unlock the front door turned in to a dire situation.

Then it got worse.

Mother Nature hit me up.

On speed dial.

Now here's where the Father's Day miracle enters. I stopped dead in my tracks wanting not to be empathetic with runners on forums who have a fondness for leaves as my father caught up thinking I didn't know where the trail was headed (which was true as well). Sensing one of his cubs was in trouble, he flipped the switch in to parental mode. As if by some paternal magic, my father spots a bathroom with a 'Jack Carter' (1) sign; I had never been more happy to have seen Jack Carter. At this point I threw Dad the keys in hopes he'd catch up to the other runners.

Feeling much better, I trotted the last mile and a half home. With a tanned "TANG" emblazoned on my back, emboldened by throwing a "morning, ladies" to actual ladies instead of like a coach in PE class in a term of endearment, I returned home to a waiting audience.

Happy Father's Day indeed.

Running 6 miles and going to Barnes and Noble to add Blue Zones (thanks, Erica) and Ultramarathon Man(thanks, Pat) to the coffee table.

How's that for a Father's Day present?

other thoughts:

light pole posting: Missing family member (a pet). Got my attention for sure.

I'll have to re-read Blue Zones to give it a proper review after reviewing and re-reading Born To Run.

(1)-Those who knew me 5 years ago know that Jack Carter Pool was the site of the bane of my existence/ my summer job as a concession stand/ peace keeper for the Plano kids and soccer moms.

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