Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Scrub Passengers Again?

Knapp: Really proud of you man. You led the team in miles last week and have in recent history, tackled the longest long run. Keep up the good work.

Sri: Glad to read you are already exploring the St. Louis running scene. I second the lack of posts from people not named Tang or Brian; maybe everyone fell off the bandwagon?

Coit Loop
JoAnn and Mom

Tang, Father and Son

While discussing the Austin weekend trip to visit relatives (and hopefully run in a new place), we get another unintelligible noise on par with the infamous vuvuzelas (the "drone of bees" noise from the World Cup) that sounded like a sasquatch shouting out of a green Pontiac Grand Am. It's one thing if the car stops, then an actual hilarious jest is laid down but it's always like a train passing you blaring its horn. These cars are lucky they don't park near my running path; I may have to start writing down the license plates.

Delusions of grandeur have been popping up in my head after Saturday's race. My almost year-old goal of going sub 7 minute pace for a 5k may happen during the build up for the half marathon.

Editor's Note: Joe, if you are reading this, for clarification the race report reads "another newbie, Joe, called me out ..." I'm referring to myself as a newbie as well for the monthly Plano Pacers races.

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