Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blackstone Cramps

Ran a brutal run at Blackstone today. Started getting these killer side cramps at mile 2 which forced me to slow down a bit. I never really get running cramps so this was new to me. I am trying to figure out just what caused the cramps. It could most likely be from dehydration. I definitely did not get to drink enough water at work today... That will have to change. I was quite embarrassed having to stop dead in my tracks on the pathway and cringing over onto the grass. I was able to move on after resting for a moment and finish at 4 miles.

On a positive note, I made it to the Green Level on my Nike+ application!!! This means I have run more than 155 miles since March 2nd (when I got my Nike shoe sensor). This is exciting to me because everything looks better in green on the Nike+ website! :-)

Jess (Nike Lunarlite+)
4.17 miles

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