Friday, June 18, 2010

Mile Mindset

Sri: You and I have the same issue. We've got some hills to tackle. I think that we lose focus on the big picture sometimes in that you just ran for 40+ minutes AND you wanted to run more?!? Someone tell March 2010 version of Sri about June 2010 version of Sri, the 40+ minute runner. Awesome job, Sri.

Tang, A (NB 904)

On queue, I started to capture data on how many runner's waves I get per mile and I got 3 for 3.15 miles. With this mile race I'm going to try I figure I could treat it like a normal 5k where I run way too fast in the first mile.

Closing thoughts:

  • I think I remember seeing some kayaks at Ashton Mills. After trying it out for the first time in Mexico I have to say I would actually cross train with kayaking if I had a chance to. It gets the Tang Stamp of Approval (1). It's pretty fun (and EXTREME).

  • Doing some quick math, it looks like the 11 Grant Team (Knapp, Sri, Brian, Nikki, and myself) has registered enough miles together to have run from Providence to Dallas.

  • You know you are a runner when...

-you donate clothes to Goodwill and think, wow I used to fit in these?

-you sport a watch tan on your left wrist

1) Tang Stamp of Approval:
The Wire
The Office (seasons 1-3)
Wu-Tang Clan
Nike Free
The Avery
Young's Double Chocolate Stout

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